The Fárígá Initiative Against Bullying in Schools (FIABIS) is an anti-bullying advocacy and advisory group focused on tackling bullying in schools across Africa. Our work is focused on uniting key stakeholders on what constitutes acceptable behaviour in school settings, and challenging longstanding views about bullying being a normal occurrence.

We believe that every child/young person has a right to a safe & wholesome school experience; where they look forward to going to school, learning, discovering themselves, making friends, being confident and happy. All children have unique gifts and abilities and nobody (adult or child) has the right to diminish or take away their potential to achieve greatness.

We are a member of the UK’s Anti-Bullying Alliance, a leading anti-bullying advocacy body across the globe.

The Fárígá Initiative Against Bullying in Schools was inspired by the brave school experiences of the late Dr. Olufemi Akinyele Adegoke (1949-2022) during his years as a young teenage pupil at the Ibadan Grammar School, Nigeria.

He earned his lifelong nickname “Fárígá” from his rebellion against injustices he observed while at school, and his blatant rebuttal of attempts of other students to bully him. “Fárígá” is a Yoruba slang that translated into English, means “I refuse” or “no more”.

In his later years until his death in 2022, he was a strong advocate of justice, equity, fairness, kindness, and humanity.  He was a firm believer in the unique giftedness of the African race, and the need for their greatness to thrive unapologetically.

The mission of FIABIS is to equip stakeholder groups in school settings to effectively tackle bullying; and help them achieve their goals of providing safe, secure, wholesome learning environments for their students.

Our vision is a continent where all children are able to have the most fulfilling, fun school experiences devoid of trauma, fear and self-esteem issues resulting from interactions with other children and adults within the school setting

Strategic Training Patnerships

We partner with private & government-led Teacher Certification bodies on essential anti-bullying training for teachers. Find out more by filling out our contact form.

Meet Our Board

Funlola Adegoke

Funlola Adegoke, Founder/Chief Executive

Funlola Adegoke

Funlola is a Child Safeguarding & Protection practitioner, influencing socio- cultural norms around harmful behaviours perpetrated against children in schools across Africa. She partners with schools to help them create and effectively implement anti-bullying programmes. She is a member of the UK’s Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA).

Her corporate background over the past two decades has largely been in banking, sales and strategy.

She obtained a BSc in Human Resource Management from the University of Lagos in 2004. Her Post-graduate education was at Kingston University, London where she obtained an MSc in Human Resource Management in 2015.

Dr Olufemi Ogunsanya

Dr Olufemi Ogunsanya, Board Member

Dr Olufemi Ogunsanya

Dr.  Olufemi Ogunsanya, a former lecturer at the University of Lagos, founded Oxbridge Tutorial College in 1993. Oxbridge was the first Sixth Form College in the country and remains the premiere specialist Sixth Form College based in Lagos, Nigeria.

She is also the Chairman of the Board of Governors Association of Private Educators in Nigeria (APEN), Chairman of the Lagos Anglican Schools Management Board (LASMAB) and Chairman of Igbobi College, Yaba. She also sits on the Board of Preparation for Life (PFL), an educational consultancy outfit.

Prof. Steve Nwokeocha

Prof. Steve Nwokeocha, Board Member

Prof. Steve Nwokeocha

Steve Nwokeocha is a Professor of Sociology of Education at the University of Calabar Nigeria, and Executive Director at the Africa Federation of Teaching Regulatory Authorities (AFTRA). AFTRA is the intergovernmental umbrella of the Ministries of Education and national agencies regulating teaching in Africa.
He is also the Co-Chair of the African Union’s Teacher Development Cluster, a subsidiary of the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA).
He is Africa’s Representative in the Working Group of the World Forum of Teaching Regulatory Authorities; and member of the UN International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030, and others.

He was the pioneer Director of Operations at the Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN), the agency of the Federal Ministry of Education responsible for the regulation of teaching in Nigeria. As pioneer Director at TRCN (2003-2016), he laid the foundation of the present programmes and accomplishments of TRCN as Africa’s largest professional regulatory body.

He is a Fellow of AFTRA; Fellow, College of Teachers, London; Fellow,
Nigeria Institute of Management; Member, Nigeria Academy of Education.

Dr Joy Isa, EdD, CMC

Dr Joy Isa, Board Member

Dr Joy Isa, EdD, CMC

Dr. Isa is President, ISED (the Isa School of Education) – a college of education set up to influence change among educational leaders in Africa.
She is an experienced educator, management consultant, youth  counsellor, author, and speaker.

She holds a Master of Science in Multidisciplinary Studies from Buffalo State University and a Doctorate in Education, from Walden University, with specialisms in Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment. 

She passionately supports young people through varied challenges ranging from inclusion needs in mainstream schools, to educational and vocational issues, emotional issues, relational issues, family issues, sexual issues, and dealing with abuse.

A fellow of the Nigerian Institute of Management Consultants, she has, for over two decades, contributed to developing education in Africa.

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